April 2023 WSL Monthly Communique

April Communique (Company Website)

Monday April 3- Friday April 7: Spring Break – School Closed

Wednesday, April 12: Community Association Monthly Meeting 8:45 am in the Community Association room

Wednesday, April 12: BoomBozz Pizza (Westport Village) WSL Fundraiser Night!

Friday, April 14: Class Lanier Bake Sale- 2:45pm in the parking lot

Wednesday, April 19: Board of Trustees Meeting 6:30pm Via Zoom (meeting information to be sent separately)

Friday, April 21: Earth Day Assembly and Plant Giveaway 3:00-5:00pm, more details to come!

Please note all dates are subject to change

In 2021, The Waldorf School left its long-time home in Lyndon. The new Rock Creek Campus, adjoining Seneca Park, while significantly bigger, lacked the old rustic play yards full of climbing trees, extensive cultivated garden spaces, and colorful pollinator beds, lovingly tended by 30 years worth of little hands.

It just isn’t a Waldorf School without some dirt and a little magic… so we formed a bold plan to ‘unmake’ the beds at our new campus!

The Rewilding will remove invasive and non-native landscaping plants and replace them with biodynamic garden spaces for herbs, fruit trees, native pollinator plants, and vegetables. We’re planting trees, getting bees, and generally making the children’s outdoor spaces as wild as they are!

As we’re new to this campus, we have much work ahead of us to create the kind of reclaimed natural spaces we envision. Most importantly, our students will be researching, planting, nurturing, harvesting, and exploring together in a supportive and thriving community (and learning a little horticulture, biology, botany, practical math and chemistry along the way).

We invite you to join us in supporting our campus wide transformation, which will kick off at our Woodland Wonderland Spring Auction & Gala this May!

Ways to Get Involved - Woodland Wonderland

1. 🎟️Purchase your tickets, and encourage other parents in your class(es) to do the same! 
2. 🍄Crafting! Monday mornings starting after Spring Break, we are going to needle felt woodland creatures for the centerpieces in the CA Room – we are all learning how to do it, so no experience is necessary! Join us! 

3. 🤫Silent Auction Donations! We are looking for high-quality, high value items that fit our school’s values: handmade, natural fibers, wooden, locally made, etc. Experiences, concert/event tickets, giftcards, gift baskets, and individual items are all welcome. These items can be from within our community and/or local businesses. If you plan to ask businesses, *please reach out to katherine.scalf@gmail.com first to make sure they haven’t been approached yet* and so we can provide you with an information packet.

4. 💲Sponsorships! If you have business relationships that you think would like to sponsor our event, then please reach out to katherine.scalf@gmail.com. We’ll provide you with an information packet about the event (physical and/or digital).
5. A few other ways we need Volunteers: 
a. 🎉We need hosts for Fill in the Blank Parties – these are themed experiences that people host in the summer of mr fall, such as Pasta Making, Game Night, etc., and each “spot” costs a specified amount – we need hosts! They are part of the Silent Auction.
b. 🧁We need dessert donations for our *Dessert Forest* – beautifully decorated on-theme baked items that will be part of the Silent Auction – 10-15 items baked by members of our community! 
c. 🙋Volunteer Shifts for Event Day! – Volunteer Shifts and Dessert Forest signups
6. Our next meeting is Tuesday, April 11 at 8:45am in the CA Room! Join us! 

Fundraiser Results: Thank You!!!!

We here at WSL wanted to extend a great order of GRATITUDE to all in our community who have donated items, money, and time which contributed to the success of several fundraisers we held in March. We appreciate all of your time, talent and treasure beyond measure!

Didn’t get a chance to attend the event but still interested in purchasing one our hand-made clay bowls? The remaining creations are priced at a discount! Small bowls are $15 and large ones are $25. All proceeds will go directly to support our classroom to kitchen program. Stop by the front office or contact Marketing Director Larissa.nemeth@waldorflouisville.com for more information and to arrange payment and pickup!! 

A very big THANK YOU to the McClanahan School of Irish Dance for performing for students, faculty & staff on St. Patrick’s Day!!! If your child is interested in learning more about traditional Irish Dance lessons, please visit: https://www.mcclanahanirishdance.com/

Summer Camp at WSL

Community Association

Click on the Image For the Signup Link!!!


Spring has arrived and our Athletics program is getting into full swing here at WSL!!

Tennis, volleyball, and run club will be starting after spring break. Tennis and volleyball are open to 5th grade and up and run club is open to 4th grade and up!

*More details about the programs will be sent to the community as soon as they are available! 

Community Education - Open to All!

WSL Book Study

Board News

Board of Trustees: Thank you for your service! If you see these Community members around campus, please be sure to say ‘thanks’!

  • The Waldorf School of Louisville wishes to extend its deep gratitude to two of our retiring Trustees. Mr. Clay Fleischer is stepping down from his role on the Board, having completed multiple terms of service, and greatly advanced the school’s mission and vision. Clay’s deep commitment to WSL has been evidenced by his long service on the board, and his work on both the Facilities and Grounds and Nominating Committees, and his role in helping to transition the school from the old Lyndon Campus to the new Rock Creek Campus. 
  • Ms. Michelle Haxby is completing a term on the board, having served as our Secretary for two years. She brought a welcomed anthroposophical voice to our governance and helped represent the interest of the faculty in our planning. 

Foundation Update

The Waldorf School wishes to thank the Honorable Order of Kentucky Colonels for the generous support of our Grades Play yard! In 2022, The Colonels funded the purchase of a new swing set for our students through their Good Works Program. In years past, the Colonels helped purchase books for our school library, expanding our reference section and supporting the students’ development of research skills. 

The Good Works Program annually provides over $2 million in grants to Kentucky nonprofits that together help over 3.9 million individuals. Since 1951, the Honorable Order of Kentucky Colonels has granted $60 million to more than 1,700 nonprofits.  These grants are entirely dependent on the support of over 30,000 active Colonels throughout the world, who have chosen to continue their charitable efforts through contributions to help Kentuckians.

To learn more about the Good Works the Colonels are doing in our community, visit: https://www.kycolonels.org 





The Waldorf School wishes to extend its deepest gratitude to the Norton Foundation for its ongoing support of our general operations and programming, as well as for their recent support of our work ensouling the new campus. The Foundation’s generosity has helped us transform Rock Creek into a beautiful home for our students and community. As a long time supporter of Waldorf Education, the Norton Foundation holds a special place in our hearts! 

The Norton Foundation is a family foundation that improves the lives of children in the Greater Louisville area by supporting organizations that foster education, promoting hands-on, active learning.

To learn more about the Foundation and the important work they do for education in Louisville, visit http://www.nortonfoundationky.org 

Donation Request

Teacher Sunni Bell is requesting gently used, still-functional gardening equipment for use in our practical arts classes! Small donations can be brought to the front office, or to arrange for larger donation drop-off, or if you have questions, please contact Sunni.Bell@waldorflouisville.com

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion

As part of our conscious work to move forward with care and concern for those who are the most vulnerable and marginalized, please click below to read the letter from WSL’s Faculty and Board of Trustees regarding our DEI (Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion) work. 

If you are a WSL community member you are automatic members of CA!

Did you know we have a Facebook group for family and friends of WSL?  
It’s a great way to share and keep updated about what’s happening in our community.

Schedule a tour of the Waldorf School of Louisville today.

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