January 2022 WSL Monthly Communique

Waldorf School of Louisville Communique

The 2021-22 Calendar Now Available

Click the link above to import the school's calendar into your personal calendar.


Monday, February 7th – Parent Association Meeting: 8:45 – 10:00 AM

Please join the Parent Association for our monthly meeting to discuss upcoming Spring events and volunteer opportunities like the Annual Spring Auction, PA Book fair, Mayfaire and more! Kindly note, this month’s meeting will be held in the Cafeteria. If updates to meeting details are necessary, changes will be communicated by e-mail.

*Minutes from the January PA Meeting can be found below

If you would like to receive the PA meeting agenda + minutes, please send an email to Madyson Haskins at madyson.haskins@waldorflouisville.com to be added to the mailing list.

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Monday, January 17th – Martin Luther King Jr. Day-No School 

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 * Wednesday, January  19th – Board of Trustee Meeting: 6:30-7:30 PM

WSL’s monthly Board of Trustees’ meeting is open to the community*. Anyone may join to hear updates from Faculty and Board about the school’s governance and operation, including overviews and updates on Enrollment, Marketing, Finance, Development, Grounds and Facilities, and Administration. The meeting includes open discussion at the end, and an opportunity for attendees to ask questions or make relevant comments.
Zoom Details: 


Meeting ID: 912 7213 8070

Passcode: 9t0vyc 


Grades Lead Teacher

The task of the Grades Teacher of the Waldorf School of Louisville is to bring the Waldorf graders curriculum to the children with enthusiasm, imagination, and integrity.

If you or someone you know is interested in the the position, please contact our Business Manager, Angeline.green@waldorflouisville.com for details.

Enrollment for 2022-2023 Now Open

We are very excited about the upcoming school year and all that will unfold for our growing school. It is now time for each of our current families to indicate their commitment to continued enrollment for the 2022-23 school year. The importance of early enrollment is critical to our budgeting process and to enable the WSL Faculty and Board of Trustees to allocate resources. Please complete the re-enrollment process through TADS by March 1, 2022. You will make your deposit payment of $500 directly to TADS during this online process. Please note that your enrollment deposit is non-refundable.

If you are in the process of applying for Variable Tuition, the TADS system will allow you the option to reduce your deposit amount to $250. However, please remember, that your enrollment and Variable Tuition applications must be completed by March 1, 2022. A fee of $200 will be assessed for returning Variable Tuition applicants who submit their application past the deadline. If you have any questions regarding these processes, please contact Angeline Green, Business Manager at 502-327-0122 or angeline.green@waldorflouisville.com

Parent-Child Classes Starting Soon


Healthy child development from birth to three is supported by freedom of movement, a positive relationship with attachment figures, and a supportive stimulating social and physical environment.

We’re excited to be able to offer free Parent Child Class days on February 1, 2, 8 & 9 from 9:00am-11:00am.

 Join the the new session starting February 22nd!  Classes are held on Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Thursdays. 

Learn more by contacting dayna.rouse@waldorflouisville.com, and fill out an application here to enroll today!


Participate In Our Upcoming Teacher Appreciation initiatives: 

Full Faculty snack: Thursday, Jan. 27

– If you would like to help coordinate snacks, please send Madyson Haskins an email at
madyson.haskins@waldorflouisville.com by Friday, Jan. 21.
– If you would like to contribute to the snack fund, you can venmo Madyson Haskins* – cash is also accepted in the main Lobby.

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Holiday Traditions Gallery

Thank you to all of the families and staff who make our community so special, and who imbued this holiday season with magic in so many ways.  Enjoy a look back at some of the images from Winter Spiral, Santa Lucia Day and our holiday sing along.

* if you did not pick up your copy of Windows into Waldorf, they are still available in the lobby!

Guidelines for COVID-19 Prevention

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion

As part of our conscious work to move forward with care and concern for those who are the most vulnerable and marginalized, please click below to read the letter from WSL’s Faculty and Board of Trustees regarding our DEI (Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion) work. 

Parent Association-logo2020

If you are a WSL community member you are automatic members of PA!

Did you know we have a Facebook group for family and friends of WSL?  
It’s a great way to share and keep updated about what’s happening in our community.

In addition to supporting local, independent businesses, you can support WSL every time you shop with Amazon!

When you shop on AmazonSmile, the AmazonSmile Foundation will donate 0.5% of the purchase price of eligible products to WSL. 

slack logo
Join the Parent Association Slack for ways to get involved or to keep up to date with happenings!  Not sure what Slack is or how to use it? 
Email Parent Association for help or guidance.

Schedule a tour of the Waldorf School of Louisville today.

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