The 2021-22 Calendar Now Available
Click the link above to import the school's calendar into your personal calendar.
Please join the Parent Association for our monthly meeting to discuss upcoming Faculty Appreciation initiatives, Winter Faire, and more*! Kindly note, this month’s meeting will be held in the Cafeteria.
*Minutes from the October PA Meeting can be found below!
If you would like to receive the PA meeting agenda + minutes, please send an email to Madyson Haskins at to be added to the mailing list.
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* Friday, November 12th – Lantern Walk (Grades): 7:00 PM @ WSL Rock Creek Campus
The Grades Teachers will be holding class-specific Lantern Walks on Friday, November 12th. Beginning at 7:00 PM, teachers will start by telling the story of St. Martin in their individual classrooms and class-specific walks will begin shortly afterward, staggered by 5 minutes. Kindly note, the Grades Lantern Walk is a student-only festival.
* Saturday, November 13th – Martinmas / Lantern Walk (Early Childhood): 5:30-6:30 PM Foxhollow Farm (8905 Hwy 329, Crestwood, KY 40014, USA)
*A map of Fox Hollow and a flyer with more details can be found below!
* Wednesday, November 17th – Board of Trustee Meeting: 6:30-7:30 PM
* Tuesday, November 23rd – Grandparents & Special Friends Day (virtual)
Grandparents & Special Friends Day is a treasured tradition at WSL. The extraordinary circumstances of this year have required all of us to adapt and rethink many of our treasured traditions, including this one.
Out of an abundance of caution for the health and safety of our children, and their loved ones’, we have decided not to host our favorite friends on campus this November due to COVID. While we are disappointed that we cannot gather in-person, we still want to give a hearty ‘thank you’ to those who pour their time, love, energy, and resources into our children and our school through a special virtual offering*! On Tuesday, November 23, from the comfort of your living room, we will be inviting you and your child’s grandparents/special friends to preview samples of the learning and experiences, and infectious joy of your extraordinary children.
We hope you and your families enjoy this year’s virtual offerings, and we look forward to the day when we can welcome you to campus in-person!
* Tuesday, November 23rd – Middle School Bake Sale: 2:45-3:15 PM
The Middle School students are hosting their second bake sale on Tuesday, November 23 during pick-up. They will be located in the parking lot – please proceed through pick-up as usual so we keep traffic flowing as smoothly as possible. They will be offering individually packaged items. All proceeds go toward the Capstone Trips. Please bring cash.
* Tuesday, November 30th – Giving Tuesday
Even in times of economic uncertainty, we each have a deep reserve of generosity and every act of generosity has the power to create new opportunities for those in need. People around the world have the opportunity to come together to show their generosity in a variety of ways during #GivingTuesday—performing random acts of kindness, fundraising for important causes, and amplifying the voices of marginalized peoples.
So how can you participate in #GivingTuesday this year?
1. Save the Date by setting a calendar reminder to participate in #GivingTuesday on November 30, 2021
2. Bookmark this link to make a charitable donation in support of our Variable Tuition program and help make Waldorf Education accessible to more children and families in Louisville*
3. Collaborate with local organizations by hosting a holiday food (non-perishable), clothing, or toy drive
4. Share this message with family and friends to join you in unleashing the power of generosity on November 30
*If you have already made a donation to WSL during the 21-22 school year, thank you so much – we are tremendously appreciative of your philanthropic partnership!
Substitute Teachers
We are in need of substitute teachers for both our Early Childhood and our Grades program. If you, or someone you know, might be interested in becoming a substitute teacher in one of our programs, please contact our Business Manager at for details. Thank you!
Throughout the school year, we will continue to spotlight new WSL Teaching & Administrative Faculty ~ we hope you enjoy getting to learn more about the extraordinary people who have recently joined our community!
Lauren Vinova
Daisy Garden (Pre-K) Assistant
Lauren Vinova is new to the Waldorf School but not new to education. She was a public school teacher in Florida and Kentucky for 11 years. She holds a Bachelor’s Degree and a Master’s Degree in Elementary Education. She is National Board Certified in Literacy. She has been a stay-at-home mom for the past four years with her triplets and has joined the school this year in Early Childhood as the Daisy Garden (Pre-K) Assistant.
Ravina Rajkumar
Morning Glory (Kinder) Assistant
Elise Pfeiffer
Dandelion (Kinder) Assistant
* Guitar Class – Used Guitar Donations
* Winter Faire – Angel Room Donations
* Winter Spiral – Pine Bough Garlands
WSL Recognizes American Indian Heritage Month
November is a time to connect with the cultural roots of our country, and celebrate the profound impact of the civilizations we inherited the land from. As Thanksgiving draws near, understanding the role of the Native Americans present is important as we take to the table with our families and loved ones.
Text from Smithsonian Institute’s Museum of the American Indian discusses the first Thanksgiving by saying, “The Indians in attendance, the Wampanoag, played a lead role in this historic encounter, and they had been essential to the survival of the colonists during the newcomers’ first year. The Wampanoag were a people with a sophisticated society who had occupied the region for thousands of years. They had their own government, their own religious and philosophical beliefs, their own knowledge system, and their own culture. They were also a people for whom giving thanks was a part of daily life.”
Although the history of Native Americans and settlers has been marred by tension and conflict through time, the heart of the first Thanksgiving deserves to be recognized. Through cooperation and community, two very disparate societies met and enriched the other with their traditions, which is the essence of the celebration we carry on with today.
Guidelines for COVID-19 Prevention
As part of our conscious work to move forward with care and concern for those who are the most vulnerable and marginalized, please click below to read the letter from WSL’s Faculty and Board of Trustees regarding our DEI (Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion) work.
If you are a WSL community member you are automatic members of PA!
Did you know we have a Facebook group for family and friends of WSL?
It’s a great way to share and keep updated about what’s happening in our community.
In addition to supporting local, independent businesses, you can support WSL every time you shop with Amazon!
When you shop on AmazonSmile, the AmazonSmile Foundation will donate 0.5% of the purchase price of eligible products to WSL.