October 2020 WSL Monthly Communique

Waldorf School of Louisville Communique
G4G TY 2020

We would like to give a heartfelt thank you for your donation and support during the Give for Good Louisville campaign. 

We exceeded our goal of $10,000 almost halfway through the day. We increased it to $13,000, then exceeded that goal that evening. We increased it again to $18,000 and through the generosity of 230 unique donors, we raised almost $19,000!!!

We know that during this campaign there are plenty of impactful organizations across Louisville accepting donations and we are honored to be one of your choices.  Our commitment to providing a safe, in-person educational model that meets each child where they are is a mission we can now better achieve because of folks like you.

Unique Donations
Dollars Raised
Prizes Awarded
knight knighting ceremony

This week we had our annual Knighting Ceremony for the 2nd graders of Class Eger. These good squires and noble knights, who all are in good standing, have undergone the Doing of Good Deeds at home and in their communities as preparation for their induction. The title of Knight was conferred upon the squires by the resplendent Queen Mary Holden. We give thanks to the Parent Association and class parents for their most gracious support. Though it looked different than in years past, most attended virtually and it was a lovely ceremony. We are proud of our knights!


Wednesday, October 7th will be school-wide picture day. Nicole Aldridge of NZA Photography will be on campus to take individual and class pictures. Pictures will be taken outside in a safe, socially-distant manner.


Extended Care Contracts for 2020-21 REMINDER

Please complete your Extended Care contracts and return them to the office as soon as possible. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Angeline Green.

Please note that we are strictly following the compliance procedures for children in connection with COVID-19; therefore, our Early Childhood children will be divided by Kindergarten class into separate rooms, with the availability of 10 children in each. We will not be offering Extended Care to our Daisy Garden students for this year due to the restrictions. The Early Childhood Kindergarten day will end at 1:00 and children can continue their day in Extended Care if desired. Contracted students will be given first priority, with Drop-in students allowed as there is availability.

Parent teacher conferences

WSL will be having Virtual Parent/Teacher Conferences on Thursday, October 29th, and Friday, October 30th for all programs (Pre-K through 8th). There will be NO SCHOOL either day.

A schedule and links for sign-ups of the virtual meetings will be sent to the Class Lists soon… so watch your inboxes!

Foundation Studies at WSL

Rob Lanier, 7th/8th Grade Lead Teacher is offering an opportunity for a Foundations Study this year.

If you are thinking about Waldorf Training, this foundational work is an important prerequisite. If you are interested in learning more about anthroposophy and Rudolf Steiner, this is a great place to begin. If you want to know something about what makes WSL different from other schools this course of study would be very helpful.

We will meet alternating Thursday evenings from 6:00 – 7:30 pm via ZOOM. 

We will begin with Steiner’s book Theosophy.  This book was first published in 1910.  The version we will read was translated from the German in 1961.  The introduction was written in 1994.

There is the reading of about 30+ pages between meetings (a calendar of which is included below), plus keeping your own journal of notes, drawings, and musings.

Look for a comfy place at home that will help you to embrace the pleasures of new ideas that inspire and challenge.

theosophy cover
Parent Association-logo2020

If you are a WSL community member you are automatic members of PA!

Please give a huge thanks to some our volunteers:
Heads Committee Chair: Tracy Babineaux
PA Treasurer: Kayla Smith
There are countless other folks stepping in to get work done!  Thank you all! 

Did you know we have a Facebook group for family and friends of WSL?  
It’s a great way to share and keep updated about what’s happening in our community.

October Parent Association Zoom Meeting

Monday, October 5th at 6:30 pm  Meeting ID: 535 852 7319 Passcode: 7KL2Ry

Wondering how to plug-in at WSL?

Look No Further!

WSL's Parent Association has ways to connect and help you contribute!
CLICK HERE to get started
Black and White Bordered Coffee Facebook Post

Join us at Warwick Park from 8:30 – 10 AM
First Tuesday of every month
Come when you’re able and stay as long as you’d like. Bring your own coffee and chair. This is an informal community gathering but can evolve into brainstorming for PA.

Upcoming meetings days: October 6, November 3, December 1

Chipolte fundraiser flyer oct 2020
PA Slack for Heads, Hands, Hearts Planning, and Organizing! Join the Parent Association Slack for ways to plug-in or to keep up to date with happenings!  Not sure what Slack is or how to use it? Email Parent Association for help or guidance.

Parent Association Mentorship

Parent Association is seeking parents with a couple of years under their belts to foster connection, community, and mentorship for new families at WSL. If you're interested in volunteering OR getting more information on what this would look like, please fill out the form below and someone will be in touch with you:

I have three young roosters looking for a new home. Two are five months and not yet crowing, and mostly Rhode Island Reds. The third is a year, mature, crowing, and a barnyard mix. If interested, contact Mike Eger (484-716-3202 or mike.eger@waldorflouisville.com).

rhode island red
New baby Teakle

Devin Thomas Teakle arrived on Wednesday, September 16 at 10:07 am, weighing 8 pounds and 7 ounces and 20.5 inches long! He is a beautiful baby who looks a lot like his big brother, Liam. He is the second grandchild (after Liam) on both sides of the family. Welcome to the world little one!

Schedule a tour of the Waldorf School of Louisville today.

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