Oct.10-14: Autumn Clothing Swap – open during school hours in the former Parent-Child Classroom. Facebook event link here.
Wednesday, Oct. 19: Board of Trustees Meeting 6:30pm (meeting details to be sent separately)
Friday, Oct. 28: Middle School Halloween Mixer 7:00pm
Oct.31-Nov.1: Parent-Teacher Conferences
Friday Nov. 4 – Compassionate Parenting with Eileen Fauver 8:45am
Saturday Nov. 5: Harvest Faire – do you have a good chili recipe? Sign up for Harvest Faire! Facebook event link here.
Generous donations came in from near and far during our 2022 Give for Good Louisville campaign. This year we raised $17,503 dollars from 174 unique donors! The money raised will support tuition assistance as well as improvements to outdoor play and learning spaces for Waldorf School of Louisville students, and make a difference in the lives of many students.

Community Association News

Winter Faire- Call For Vendors
We are now looking for vendors for this year’s Winter Faire on Saturday, December 3. We seek vendors that sell items or provide services utilizing natural materials such as wool, cotton, wood, beeswax, etc. Vendor fees are $25 per booth. Please note that these booths are separate from *class booths.* The vendor interest form can be found here.
Please be on the lookout for more information about Winter Faire from your class representative(s). This is a parent-run event! The more involvement we have, the more magical it will be for our community.
Waldorf Spirit Wear
Stop by and view a sample of our school apparel, hanging in the front office!!!
With multiple style, size and color options, there is something for the whole family (and each of your friends!) to choose from. Orders ship directly from Bonfire, and proceeds generated will go towards our Children’s campaign which provides needed support for WSL programming as well as our variable tuition fund.
Make your purchase today!


Sending gratitude to Class Marigold parent and Director of Stewardship for the Olmstead Parks Conservancy, Matt Spalding for the gracious donations of time, machinery and natural materials to expand our natural playground area. The children are already wearing it in with engaging imaginative and gross motor play!

Local and beloved natural food market, Rainbow Blossom, donated 2 cases of locally grown apples to Early Childhood's Festival of Courage/Grandparents and Special Friends day! A great big THANK YOU is order for their generosity to our community.
Early Childhood to Celebrate Dia de Los Muertos
Our next Early Childhood festival will be in school and will be a quiet offering. The children will create a Dia de Los Muertos table with pictures and offerings to those in their lives who have passed. Last year, I was incredibly proud and touched by the children’s reverence, respect and curiosity about those who have passed. They were eager to share their pictures and stories.
For the table we will need pictures of loved ones, pets included, who have passed. Please do not bring irreplaceable pictures. Offerings in the form of pumpkins, fruit, flowers (marigolds are traditional) and other items gleaned from nature will also be needed for the table. There will not be a sign up list just bring and give as you are inspired. We will create the table on Thursday 11/3 and Friday 11/4.

WSL is not affiliated with goods and services advertised within this section
About Amy: “I am a sophomore at Francis Parker, and will be using the money I make from babysitting to pay for my pilot training!!!”

As part of our conscious work to move forward with care and concern for those who are the most vulnerable and marginalized, please click below to read the letter from WSL’s Faculty and Board of Trustees regarding our DEI (Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion) work.
If you are a WSL community member you are automatic members of CA!
Did you know we have a Facebook group for family and friends of WSL?
It’s a great way to share and keep updated about what’s happening in our community.
In addition to supporting local, independent businesses, you can support WSL every time you shop with Amazon!
When you shop on AmazonSmile, the AmazonSmile Foundation will donate 0.5% of the purchase price of eligible products to WSL.